Duri Chitayat

Lean Machine is Coming soon to Shanghai

Jun 2012

Here is a quick picture of of the Warmup last Thursday.

It was in preparation of a weekend-long machup / convention / live-world-experiment around the concept of lean startup. It will be hosted the end of this month by our very own Techyizu in partnership with the usual suspects probably (Technode, Baidu, Microsoft, etc). All the Gents from Techyizu seem really excited and are looking forward to a massive turnout. I heard an expected reserved-out time is 1-2hrs from the time it is officially announced. This is in line with the 3 hrs the last event went at, and the one before, several hours more.

Methinks they will need to start booking more space eventually but I like how they're working it, smaller size turnout (under 400 ppl)  for better effect while Techyizu is still in its early stages. All you Shanghai tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs better be glued to your email. Trying to reserve in advance was impossible (unless you're on the technical planning committee or are speaking).  Want to join the technical planning though you're welcome to b/c its an open meeting on Saturdays at 12pm.

See you all at Lean Machine June 29 - July 1.